Welcome to our latest News Round-Up! This quarter has been packed with lively events, from Shane Hill and Natalie MacLean’s smooth live music night to our community favourite Garioke. We’ve also celebrated Bhunny’s Community Table and honoured Jim Howley with a memorial bench. Read on for all the highlights!
- Shane Hill and Natalie MacLean, April 27th – another cracking night of sophisticated and smooth live music was enjoyed, courtesy of this ever-dynamic duo. Don’t fret folks, more live music is of course in the pipeline…
- Garioke, May 18th and June 8th – we’re pushing this ever-popular event in ’24 just as keenly and it has showed, with great turn-outs at both the most recent Saturday nights (thanks all!). Look out for further appointments with the mic across the summer months.
- Bhunny’s Community Table, May 19th – this was a corking success, with many punters enjoying the special summer menu options cooked up by Bhunny’s, followed by plenty of drinkies and the usual Sunday raffle routine! So many went home super-satisfied after this, so we’ll be running it every third Sunday of the month.
- Volunteers’ Week, June 3rd to 9th – we used this national event to ensure our local volunteers received due thanks and appreciation for the tireless work they continue to put in behind the scenes at the pub, and of course in the garden.
- Jim Howley’s Memorial Bench, June 9th – it felt fitting to have our late first chairman’s memory honoured by the securing of a fine wooden bench for our garden, complete with a dedicatory plaque, and this new facility was formally opened for all to enjoy last Sunday. Vero, Jim’s wife, and other members of the Howley clan came to mark the event and all were thrilled to see this permanent functional feature inaugurated to forever mark the contribution Jim made to starting this project, and helping build it to what it is today.