What’s been happening in October?
Key Friends of the Gari updates:
First shout for the last month must go to The Tony Patience Band, who really rocked the pub on Sat 24 Sep with their canny brand of guitar-driven reflective music. One of the most musically-adept and lyrically-engaging sets I’ve seen locally and they genuinely stood out from the more regular covers-based acts. Musos old and young around the bar were gathering in awe to admire the mastery of the instruments and all were equally impressed. Hopefully not the last we see of them, but sadly their appearance marked the close of our summer of live events. Don’t fret folks; there’s plenty more fun-packed fixtures ahead, and despite the winter weather not all are planned to be indoors! See details at ‘What’s On’ below.
Perhaps the obvious high point of the last few weeks for many was our charity beer festival, operated over Fri 30 Sep to Sun 2 Oct by the local Rotary Club in aid of various local charities (ALE FOR AID 2022 – Redhill Redstone rotary) and hosted by The Garibaldi, it delivered as expected. 13 cask ales were offered, mostly from regions further afield than the south-east as a point of difference to Shiv’s usual focus on more local offerings, they flew out of the barrels at a rapid rate; so much so that by the third day alas there was very little left! However, quaffers weren’t left wanting, as more beer was duly pumped through the bar handpulls. The weather was appalling initially but it didn’t hold punters back from venturing out-back, where many grabbed a bit o’ Bhunny’s to soak things up! FOTG thank both our own trusty staff (Guy, Claire, Jane, Nick and Tracey), the Bhunny’s blokes, as well as the resilient Rotarians who manned the rear tent, and of course Shiv for agreeing to make the pub available. It’s what we should be all about and it was heartening to see it so well-received.
A regular thank-you also rings out to those who always spare their time to help serve the vital victuals and required refreshments at our monthly Forces Fry-Up on Sat 15 Oct. You know who you are and have really helped to make this new event an eagerly- anticipated date in people’s diaries.
– What’s On –
Halloween Party ‘Garioke’
29th October 7.30pm
Winter Beer Festival:
4th – 6th November
Quiz Night:
Fortnightly from Thur 27th Oct
Music Bingo:
Fortnightly from Thur 3rd Nov
Meat Raffle
Every Sunday – 5.00pm
‘Forces Fry-Up’: Monthly – next event 10.30am, Sat 19th Nov
Garden Group
Next meeting – 13th November 10.00am
Regular fundraising activities:
EasyFundRaising– over 6,000 retailers will donate to us when you shop via the site. The trick is remembering to think Gari before going on a virtual shopping spree!
The Garibaldi Pub One Lottery – tickets are £1 a week with cash prizes up to £25,000. But of course you would and should do it for the lurrrrve!!
Show support for our long-term goal to buy the pub via ‘Your Fund Surrey – Join The Local Conversation’. Meat Raffles make us money! All proceeds to our garden fund, as a beautiful and functioning garden isn’t just for summer, it’s all-year-round!
What’s on – regular events:
Meat raffle – weekly at 5pm, Every Sunday – all sorts of tasty titbits up for grabs. Okay; you might not win if you buy tickets, but then you definitely won’t if you don’t buy any!
Quiz night – fortnightly at 8pm, from Thu 27 Oct – Ms Fran Frost looking more comfortable than Clive Myrie perched on the quizmeister’s chair!
‘Music Bingo’ – fortnightly at 8pm, from Thu 3 Nov – Ms Alex Ashley looking luxe behind the laptop! ‘Forces Fry-up’ – monthly at 10am, from Sat 19 Nov – the pub becomes a sergeants’ mess for this morning only (it’s just a general mess most other mornings)!
What’s on – one-off events:
‘Garioke’ – 7:30pm, Sat 29 Oct – Devilish dressers and spooky singers of all ages are welcome – note earlier start time to accommodate any kids wanting to take a turn at the mic stand before 9. Prizes will be given to the best singer and best dresser – as if you needed that extra incentive!
Gari winter beer festival – Fri 4 to Sun 6 Nov – the finely-wrought beer list is being finalised and this will be a natural in-house successor to our Rotarian fest a few weeks back. Oh how we spoil you ale aficionados!
FIFA Men’s Football World Cup 2022 – Mon 21 Nov to Sun 18 Dec – the great news here is that we have won one of only ten Carling ‘Match Takeover’s! This means that The Gari will be receiving a large TV screen and marquee specially for showing World Cup matches. As this will be erected in the garden, we will have blankets and hot water bottles on hand to keep viewers warm as we enjoy a few drinks while taking in the tournament. Come and experience the closest thing to a football terrace in Redhill (but safer!), wrap up warm and cheer on the team!
Live acoustic music night – Sat 26 Nov – details yet to be confirmed but watch this space for an intimate indoor performance.
FOTG members’ mixer event – from 6pm, Wed 14 Dec – in the hope of repeating our well-received similar event in the summer, members of the FOTG shall be on hand to discuss all-things-Gari and beyond that evening. So if you fancy a convivial chat over some brill beverages, be sure to make it over and mingle! Christmas markets – 12-10pm, Fri 16 to Sat 17 Dec – our second seasonal selection of local artisanal and craft products is set for the weekend ahead of the big event itself. Lots of talented crafters and artisans will be there to show and sell their wares. This is as ever a charitable endeavour, in which we’ll be in collaboration with The Redhill and Redstone Rotarians, Furnistore, Men In Sheds, Women’s Refuge and The Renewed Hope Trust for the first time to produce a unique event. We will be loading Santa’s sleigh ready for delivery the week after and so are asking for donations of gifts for struggling families this Christmas, which due to turmoil in the wider world this year may number more than usual. Food banks will also be collecting for Christmas dinners that will be provided to the local community. Our Christmas raffle will be drawn on Sat 17 Dec before a candlelit carol service in the garden. All funds raised from the raffle to go towards the night shelter run by The Renewed Hope Trust.
‘Secret Santa’ – Sun 18 Dec – making its regular return – give generously for the gifts to flow freely!
New Year’s Eve party – from 7pm, Sat 31 Dec – Shiv has determined this year’s theme shall be ‘Winter Wonderland’, so feel free to dress accordingly, and get booking your table now to ensure enough space to show yourselves off on this special farewell to a memorable 12 months, for so many reasons, and welcoming in of whatever the next 12 may bring.