Gari Newsletter – Sept ’22

What’s been happening in September?

Key Friends of the Gari updates:

Firstly, a huge thank-you to all of those who celebrated our fifth birthday with us up at the pub on Wed 17 Aug! Attendant upon this auspicious occasion were many FOTG members, alongside plenty of familiar faces from our loyal bunch of regulars! As I said in the last newsletter, at times it’s been a bumpy ride, but one that’s proved so worthwhile and when one looks at the Gari today, it’s a fine testament to all who’ve been involved, directly or indirectly, in supporting it. But we can never rest on our laurels, so your future engagement will be just as necessary if we’re to keep going in the right direction and enjoy more birthday celebrations!

In the lead-up to and in the wake of our latest anniversary, Shiv bravely put on all five cask beers, meaning every one of our handpumps was fully- deployed. Drinkers rose readily to the challenge of sustaining this maximised arsenal of ale and all got drunk very swiftly (the beers that is, not necessarily the drinkers!). While five is a little much for the everyday routine just now, Shiv has pledged to put the extra one on whenever we’re expecting a big event – that’s in addition to our two (not one, TWO!) beer festivals planned for the coming season – see ‘What’s On’ below for the dates!

Another high point of the last month was the ‘Furnistore’ fundraiser event for Ukraine, held on Sat 27 Aug. This raised a generous £1,185.50! So more thanks again to those who helped bring us up to that total, and in particular the artists from Surrey Fringe who proved such a decent draw for supporters on the day. Those Ukrainians caught up in the unnecessary conflict will surely receive some much-needed relief thanks to such efforts around the UK.

Although the period of official national mourning has now passed, it would still be a disrespectful dereliction of duty not to make mention of the sad passing of Queen Elizabeth II on Thu 8 Sep; a genuinely memorable and unifying international event that marked the end of an extraordinary era of change and upheaval, all presided over by the calm constancy of our mainstay monarch. Shiv kindly opened the pub from 10am to 5pm on Mon 19 Sep to provide a place where people could come and watch the funeral procession in a communal environment. This was not only a worthy gesture but one which so many of us found helpful and even therapeutic as we all witnessed the last long goodbye to such a familiar figure in our lives. Many thanks to staff who came in early to help with hot drinks and cold snacks, and all attendees who showed such dignity and decency in marking the moment of commiseration but also celebration, as we embark upon the new Carolean era – God save the King!


@thegaribaldipub @thegaribaldi @GariRedhill

– What’s On –

Quiz Night:

Fortnightly from Thur 29th Sept

Music Bingo:

Fortnightly from Thur 6th Oct

Meat Raffle

Every Sunday – 5.00pm

‘Forces Fry-Up’: Monthly – next event 10.30am, Sat 15th Oct

Tony Patience: Live music

24th Sept 9.00 – 11.00pm

Redhill Redstone Beer Festival @ The Garibaldi 30th – 2nd Oct

Halloween Party ‘Garioke’

29th October 7.30pm

Garden Group

Next meeting – 9th October 10.00am

In our continued efforts to support local businesses where we can, and especially those that brew good beer, a successful Curry Night was held on Wed 14 Sep to mark the launch of Crumbs ‘Naan Laager’, made as all their other beers are from leftover bread products and as you’d guess, designed specifically to make an appropriate accompaniment to Asian dishes! Success all round, and we wish Morgan all the best as he takes the new addition to the wider market.

Lastly, a repeat mention of gratitude to Sarah and the Garden Group, who continue to beaver away behind the scenes on Sundays to keep the Gari’s outdoor surroundings looking optimal. It’s been a splendid summer of bold blooms and autumn should bring its own charms before the garden starts to be shut down for the dreaded winter lull. Make the best of it while you can peeps!

Regular fundraising activities:
Show support for our goal to eventually buy the pub via ‘Your Fund Surrey – Join The Local Conversation’. EasyFundRaising– over 6,000 retailers will donate to us when you shop via the site. A check-in on their site shows that just over £614 has now been raised through this scheme, so do keep chipping away at it when ordering online!
The Garibaldi Pub One Lottery – tickets are £1 a week with cash prizes up to £25,000 – I repeat: always gamble as responsibly as you do when drinking alcohol!
A reminder is below as it’s a regular event, but always remember that money raised via our Meat Raffles goes direct to our garden fund.

What’s on?:
Meat raffle
– weekly at 5pm, from Sun 25 Sep – local butchers Robert & Edwards of Reigate prepare the prizes, including not just fine meats but cheese and other appetising accompaniments!
Quiz night – fortnightly at 8pm, from Thu 29 Sep – with your regular host Ms Fran Frost.
‘Music Bingo’ – fortnightly at 8pm, from Thu 22 Sep – with your other regular host Ms Alex Ashley.
‘Forces Fry-up’ – monthly at 10am, from Sat 15 Oct – organised with military precision as always!
Live music: The Tony Patience Band – 8pm, Sat 24 Sep – our final live event of the summer; rock on Tony!
‘Redhill & Redstone Rotary Ale for Aid’ beer festival’ – Thu 30 Sep to Sun 2 Oct – 13 ace ales to sample and sup across a long weekender being specially-hosted by The Gari (ALE FOR AID 2022 – Redhill Redstone rotary), with all proceeds to be donated to local charities, so come and quaff with a clear conscience!
Hallowe’en Party – ‘Garioke’ – 7.30pm, Sat 29 Oct – some scary singin’ and crypt-kickin’ clobber optional in the lead-up to Hallowe’en!
Gari winter beer festival – Fri 4 to Sun 6 Nov – a second sortie into the wider real ale repertoire, with focus on darker offerings befitting of the forthcoming seasons.
Garden Group – Next meeting 9th October, feel free to leave your details behind the bar if you want to take part.