Gari Newsletter – June ’23

What’s been happening?

The Coronation Weekend – the first and foremost national event of the year for so many of us, we had ambitious plans to mark this historic, first-time-in-70-years occasion from Sat 6 to Mon 8 May, and notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather on the big day itself, these came off nicely, with all attendees enjoying a very British, memorable celebration that featured live music, lunching, bake-offing and beering! Charlie didn’t know what he was missing! Our sincere thanks go to all who helped make the weekend a success, with a special shout-out to Emma and Catherine who toiled away in the kitchen. We all know it won’t be another 70 years until we see another one, but in any case, Long Live the King!

Brewery Trip to Dorking – another successful visit was made to one of our most respected and loved local breweries, with proprietor Neal and head brewer Tom demonstrating what they do best for the benefit of Gari cask connoisseurs. For those who we know are keen to undertake another tour as soon as possible, bear with us – Shiv has various irons in the fire and it’s only been the hectic hurly-burly of the last few warm weeks (and lack of transport!) that has prevented one running in June. But be sure plans are being drawn up for July and beyond!

Sat 24th June – 7.30pm

‘Eurovision’ Party – it might still be a ‘Marmite’ event, but it’s
become ever-more popular as an expression of national pride and
international diversity, and sure enough these were both on show
and celebrated accordingly as the competition played out live on
Sat 13 May. Least said soonest mended on the misfortune of Mae
Muller, but that didn’t dampen spirits at the Gari, where punters
hell-bent on enjoyment helped to make last month our most
successful yet (although it could be eclipsed by this month’s
performance – keep it up folks!).
Spring Beer Festival – Shiv is now fully in her stride with laying on fests for our many ale appreciators, and this was the first of what we hope will be three such events in 2023, which ran from Fri 26 to Sun 28 May. It featured 15 cask offerings, all available simultaneously, featuring styles suitable for spring, and happily we can report all were consumed – barrels were literally drunk dry and this proved to be our first sell-out fest, with record takings to boot! The next one is scheduled for the end of September, and as was the case in 2022, will be put on by the Rotarians with us as their hosts.
Cask Cider Exhibition – for summer Shiv is showcasing some ‘proper’ ciders, available chilled from the fridge. Forget the fizz and focus on the flavour!

Regular fundraising activities:

EasyFundRaising – always keep this in mind if going on an online retail therapy spree!
The Garibaldi Pub One Lottery – I for one am winning this too often which shows we need more punters to join it!
‘Your Fund Surrey – Join The Local Conversation’ – we still believe that the future is freehold! Meat raffles – we get the money, you get the meat!

What’s on – regular events:
Forces Fry-up’ – monthly at 10am, from Sat 17 Jun – booking is essential for our monthly military- minded morning meet-up/eat-up!
Meat raffle – weekly at 5pm, from Sun 18 Jun – sky-high inflation doesn’t affect this price – still a quid a punt!
Quiz night – fortnightly at 8pm, from Thu 22 Jun – it may be too hot for headgear but still best to get your thinking cap on for this one!
Music Bingo’ – fortnightly at 8pm, from Thu 29 Jun – kind-of ‘Gala’ meets ‘Pop Quiz’ – would-be bingoers please be sure to book an inside table!
Garioke’ – now monthly at 7.30pm, from Sat 17 Jun – the guilty pleasure that dare not speak its name, but rather sings or screeches it loudly and proudly! We’re running this more regularly over the summer months, so keep those vocal cords well-oiled (preferably by consuming lots of Gari-purchased drinkies!). Provisional dates are irregularly-spaced (know the problem! – Ed) so karaoke lovers (and loathers) please note the following:
Sat 8 Jul.
Sat 19 Aug.
Sat 23 Sep.
Sat 28 Oct (Hallowe’en!).

What’s on – one-off events:

‘Pride’ and National Month of Community – as many will know, June is the month for both these community-led ideas and of course the Gari will be ensuring they’re marked suitably across the month – not least by our plethora of flags!
‘Summer Solstice Flower Crown-Making’ – bin-off the draggy drive down to Stonehenge and instead come along to the Gari with the kiddies to join ‘The Girl Who Gardens’ for a unique and fun way to mark the true start of summer – let’s hope the weather holds! – from 7pm, Wed 21 Jun.
Informal FOTG members’ mixer – whether or not you think you might ever wish to become involved in the running of your fave boozer, why not come along to this informal event to meet those who already are, and learn a bit about what’s involved before you decide? No ‘hard sell’; just a genuine insight into what we do and how offers of help would be welcomed. We are also open to hearing from any new local groups who might like to use our spaces, indoor or outdoor. Open to all from 6pm, Wed 21 Jun. ‘From The Light Into The Dark: Ying And Yang Morris Dancing Tour’ – no, we don’t really understand the significance of the title either, but if you’re at all curious, or are an established Morris appreciator, come along to the Gari garden to see both the Buckland Shag and Wild Hunt Bedlam Morris troupes do what they do best in their inimitable style, from 2pm, Sat 24 Jun.
Live music – Kelly Bennett – an acoustic live set in the garden, from 7:30pm, Sat 24 Jun.